Wednesday, September 24, 2014

The Rocket-Powered Elephant

Purpose: Our goal was to solve a non-constant acceleration problem and to compare our calculations to the calculations made in excel.

There was no equipment used other than Excel in order to compare values to what was acquired via our own manual calculations.

Procedure: First we solve the problem by hand as shown in the picture below. The distance the elephant traveled before coming to rest was 248.7 m.

We then decided to find the distance by inputting information into Excel using the following information below. The whole class partook in this method.

Below is the graph with the information mentioned previously with time intervals of differing by 1 seconds each.

The graph below is the same one as the one on top except with the time intervals differing by 0.01 seconds.

The graph below is also the same one as the previous two except with time intervals differing 0.05 seconds each.

Summary: The results were fairly close to the ones found on our calculations. The only problem we as a class ran into was solving the problem by hand. We had to use the help of Wolfram-Alpha in order to finish our problem for we did not have sufficient knowledge to finish a problem that complex. Overall it was a fairly easy lab and the experiment was a success.

1) The results were fairly the same and not much difference could be found between the two.
2) In order for us to tell if the time interval is small enough is when we could see a really small difference between the change in distance and we could come to the conclusion that the answer becomes constant after the really small change. We knew if we made an error if we did not see the distance becoming constant or we went to  really far interval which did not physically make sense.

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